venerdì 13 novembre 2009


this is my final work...

2 commenti:

  1. i don't know why some parts are green!!!!!!!! i try to re upload it but it doesn't work... it's ok??? sorry teacher...

  2. So do you get the green on half the screen in the original that you're working with in the editing software as well? I'm afraid I don't know what the problem is! Try exporting in another format?

    We looked at your video in class, so lots of feedback from the group.

    Nobody quite understood the video after watching it once, I'm afraid - we had to watch it again. Most of us assumed that you were showing a long excerpt from A Fairy Use Tale, and we didn't notice that some of the texts were about Berlusconi, not Snow White.

    What you're doing is NOT answering the question "CAN YOU BUILD A MORE CRITICAL SOCIETY THROUGH THE POLITICAL REMIX?" - you're making a political remix, combining Disney fairytales with commentary about Berlusconi, or setting Berlusconi as a fairy tale. That's OK if you make it clear. You need a different title for the video, for one thing. And the final "conclusion" that "yes we can" really doesn't work - your video really doesn't support that conclusion.

    Neva, Julie and Elisabeth suggested that instead you frame your video around asking what IS a political remix. That way, you can present your own political remix as an example. You could end your video by asking the audience a question: "Do YOU think political remixes can help us build a more critical society?"

    To make that more obvious, consider:
    - Making an introduction - a few words explaining what you're doing?
    - Make the Disney intro scene shorter
    - Cut out the bit about Snow White - that's confusing and completely unnecessary. If you show a castle and so on we know you're using the fairy tale genre, Snow White doesn't add to that, it only confuses us.
    - Go straight to Berlusconi to make it more obvious that this is about him

    We're not sure why you chose to use Obama in the last image - are you saying Obama is the answer? Or just using it because he says "yes we can" and that's what you want to say too? I think it would be more effective ending with an open question ("Can we....?" or "Do you think we can...?") as Neva, Elisabeth and Julie suggested, and leaving Obama out.

    It's also a pity that you can't view the video fullscreen, because you uploaded it to Blogger which won't let us see it fullscreen. Perhaps you should try YouTube or another service that lets us see the video in full screen? Then we can read the words more easily - and also, you're more likely to have more viewers and perhaps get some answers and comments from people!!

    Good luck with your final work :)
