mercoledì 16 settembre 2009

My opinions on the text of Benjamin Walter

In Benjamin Walter opinion the advent of art's mechanical reproducibility, and the development of forms of art, such as film or photograph, in which there is no actual original, the experience of art could be freed from place and ritual and instead brought under the gaze and control of a mass audience, leading to a shattering of the aura.

I do not always agree with what he says because I think that through the photography you can create something new, something that is your point of view about the reality. Through the photography you are not escaping natural vision but you are creating a form of art that reflect what you think about the situation that you are photographing.

In my opinion now people decided to reproduce reality because they want to remember, and so they decided to impress somewhere their sensation. They are not trying to reproduce reality but they try to remember the experience and the feelings that arise in certain situations. And this is not a contemporary decay of the aura, but rather an attempt to bring it to life in time.

Make as many copies of a work of art is not a thing without meaning, but it helps the culture to get closer to the masses, not diminish but rather gives her life over time and across all social classes.

Regarding the films I would say that Benjamin, in my humble opinion, is a bit too critical. Is obvious that we see the performance of the actor through the point of view of the director who tells the cameraman what to do; and I don’t think that is a problem if the actor’s performance is presented by means of a camera.

I think that this is the beauty of films, the fact that we can have a critical position, or that we can impersonate ourselves with the author or with the actor.

Could happen that the actor, after many years of study, come to have two auras, one of himself and the other one of the character he plays. The first one does not interfere with the second one but rather complement each other creating a complex character.

Finally i can say that look at things in a new light, with different eyes, is not reality but the reality of who is representing reality at the time… so why we can’t call this art???

Michela Menghini

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